Drew Bennett

Drew Bennett is an artist, designer, builder and since 2012 he has been directing the Facebook Artist in Residence Program he co-founded.  With an equal focus on art-making and craft as the context of art and its function in society, Bennett has been experimenting with how artistic process and products can intersect with audience for years.  Within the context of Facebook, Bennett is aiming to provide predominantly local emerging artists an opportunity to experiment outside the technical, social, and scale constraints of their studio practice while turning the internal Facebook on to contemporary artists.  Bennett was a primary participant in The Possible at BAM in 2014 and has recently partnered with The Starline Social Club to help develop the event programing in the historic ballroom of this new cultural hub in Oakland.


April 30, 2016
Programming for Power Sharing
Gallery of California History — Level 2
2:00pm  -  2:50pm