For those of you who couldn’t attend our Information Session at Roots & Culture in Chicago we wanted to make sure your most burning questions were answered here:

Does a proposal or project have to be relevant to the theme of JUSTICE?

We think the theme JUSTICE  is of the utmost urgency, and are aiming to devote the overwhelming majority of the conference to highlighting exemplary work towards the ends of social justice. Please see categories below for how best to direct your proposal:

Call for Proposals –– JUSTICE

Proposals for programming that address our primary theme for 2017: JUSTICE

Call for Proposals –– Continuing OE

Proposals that explore pertinent issues surrounding socially engaged art but need not specifically address the JUSTICE theme.

Call for Proposals –– Open Platform

Proposals for Open Platform presentations (10-minute presentations followed by 5-minutes of Q&A with the audience).

How do I interpret the theme JUSTICE?

This is up to you! It is important that you consider the context of Chicago and read our curatorial statement for direction.

Can I propose a project or workshop or panel that has happened elsewhere?

Yes, of course! Though we hope you will take some time and effort to tailor it to the theme of the conference and the specific context of Chicago. This will greatly help your proposal’s chance of success.

Is there funding for travel? Is there an artist stipend?

Unfortunately, no. We have no budget for funding travel or for paying presenters. All presenters attend the conference for free, and we will do our best to provide whatever material support you need to see the project through. We are also continuing to work with the Human Hotel, which will seek to partner visiting presenters with hosting locals, providing a free place to stay which greatly lessens the financial burden on those attending from out of town.

What is the selection process?

Proposals received through the open call are reviewed by volunteer Selection Committees comprised of local and national partners, artists, activists, students, community members and scholars. The proposals selected canadian casino news for inclusion by the committees are then carried forward by the small group of people that make up the core OE team.

When will I find out about my proposal?

Applicants will be notified on the status of their proposal by January 2017.

What if you haven’t answered my question regarding my proposal for 2017?

Please visit our FAQ page and Team page to direct your inquiry.

How do I receive updates about the conference?

Sign up to our mailing list, follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.