OE 2015 will be accepting submission under two main categories: Place and Revolution, and Continuing OE.
Submissions ARE NOW CLOSED.
They closed at the end of day on Monday, November 17th.
Place and Revolution
As OE 2015’s main theme, we are seeking proposals for projects, panels, presentations, and workshops that address issues around the notions of Place and Revolution.
Thank you for your interest. Submissions are now closed.
Continuing OE
This line of programming is separate from the thematic call and broadly explores socially engaged art and:
- Education
- Institutions
- Funding and support
Continuing OE creates a space at the conference to further the dialogue around teaching, supporting, and showing socially engaged art.
In past years at the conference this has taken the form of summits on education for socially engaged art, workshops and panels on community art, curating, and funding, as well as public conversations bringing together museum professionals working in public engagement and social practice.
This section is to help various stakeholders, including educators, practitioners, administrators, museums, funding bodies, schools, and various other arts organizations, develop their practices, share skills and knowledge, and to further dialogue.
Thank you for your interest. Submissions are now closed.
Submission Guidelines
Click here to view the complete Submission Guidelines. Please read the guidelines carefully before beginning your submission.